Friday, 17 October 2008
Master Alim 3rd 9-Ball Pool League
Winner for the 3rd Master Alim Pool League, Mr Teo Che Soon, 2nd time winner, Runner up for the 3rd league was Ahmad Taufiq, baru tah ia ikut this league for the 1st time, both finalist in the 3rd league are no.1 and no.2 for Brunei National team in 2008. Ahmad Taufiq was representative for Brunei in last year Korat sea games in 9-ball and Ah Soon just came back from Manila after participating in the 1st ever World 10-ball championship. This was the last league before puasa and the 4th league will start again this sunday, 19th October. Ah Soon currently the league leader, Alias no.2, then banyak lagi lapas atu. In the final Ah Soon was leading 6-2 then Taufiq caught up to 6-6 then ada mistake and Ah Soon abiskan. Semi finalist for the 3rd league was myself and Pg Saiful Rizal(joey). I lost to Ah Soon and Joey lost to Taufiq.
Taufiq after the final, Lalah usulnya.
Happy lapas dapat duit.
2nd time winner Mr Teo Chee Soon.